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Masjid - The House Of Allah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmath Ullahi Wa Barkatahu

Masjid – The House Of Allah
A Masjid is The House And Courtyard Of Allah.  

Those Who Spoil The Dignity Of A Masjid Will Be Debased And Humiliated in This World And Severely Punished in The Hereafter. One Should Never Do Any Such Thing in The Masjid Which Hurts The People Present in The Masjid. Laughing in A Masjid is An Act Which Brings Darknesss in One’s Grave.
Whenever One Goes into The Masjid,
The Condition Of One’s Heart And Other Senses Should Be Such As if We Are Before The Rulers Of This World.
Although, One Should Always Have Be Conscious That Allah is Looking At Us, if This is Not Possible, Then At Least in The Masjid, We Should Be Conscious Of This.
Hadhrat Sufyan Thauri (May Allah Shower His mercy upon him) Says: We’ve Seen Such People Who On Entering The Masjid Would Shiver And Out Of Awe Of Allah,
Their Faces Would Become Pale.They Would Forget Everything About Worldly Affairs.
We Have Been Ordered To Build Masjid in A Grand Manner And Keep Them Clean.Masjid Are Themselves Sacred And Those Who Come There Are Also Blessed.They Are Beloved And Those Who Come There Are Also Beloved.Allah Fulfils The Needs Of Those Are Busy in Salaat.
They Are in The Masjid,But Allah Fulfils Their Needs.Allah Loves The Person Who Loves The Masjid.Those Whose Hearts Are Attached To The Masjid Will Be Under The Shade Of ‘Arsh (the throne of Allah) And They Will Cross The Sirat (bridge) in Those Very Masjid.
Hadhrat Abu Sadiq Razi (May Allah shower His mercy on him) Says : Make Sitting in The Masjid Compulsory On Yourself,As They Are Those Places Where The Prophets(May peace be upon them) Sit.
When You See A Person Who is Always Busy in Taking Care Of The Masjid Or Often Sits in The Masjid,Then Testify That That Person is A True Believer (Momin)
When You See A Person Who Always Takes Care Of Masjid Or Often Sit in Them,You Testify Him To Be A Believer.When Allah Loves A Person,He Makes Him An Attendant And Guardian Of The Masjid
The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) Said :
Allah Trashes 40 Years Worth Of Good Deeds Of The Person Who Speaks Of Worldly Things in The Masjid.
 The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) Also Said :
Angels Complain About The Foul Mouth Of Those Who Backbite in The Masjid.
Hadhrat Ahnaf Bin Ayub (May Allah Shower His mercy upon him) Would Consider Talking in Masjid As Very Bad.Once,He Was Sitting in The Masjid And His Servant Came To inquire About Something.He Didn’t Reply To Him Then,But Came Out Of The Masjid And Then Spoke With Him.
Donating Something To Masjid Such As Means Of Purification,Prayer Mats, Lamps, Etc. is Also A Form Of Worship.If A Person Lights A Lamp in The Masjid,Then As Long As The Lamp Keeps Burning,The Angels Who Bear The ‘Arsh Will Keep Praying For That Person.
Hadhrat Tameem Dari (May Allah be well pleased with him) Lit A Lamp in Masjid Nabawi.Pleased With it,
The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) Said :
You illuminated Our Masjid.May Allah illuminate The Masjid Of Your Heart ! If Any Of My Daughters Were Unmarried, I Would Have Married Them Off To You.
Allah Cleans The Nafs (Self) Of The Filth Of Sins Of That Person Who Removes A Malodorous Thing From The Masjid.
The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) Said :
Give Glad Tidings To Those Who Go To The Masjid in Dark Nights That in Qiyamah,They Will Be Given Torches Of Radiance.Others Will Be Trembling With Fear,But These People Will Be Content And Happy,As 2 Fears, Fear Of This World And Fear Of Hereafter Are Never United.Those Who Bore The Fear Of Darkness in This World Will Not Have Fear in The Next.Satan Has Less Effect On Those Who Frequent The Masjid.Masjid is A Fortress For Staying Safe From Satan.
The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) Also Said :
I Want To Pray For Punishment For The People Of The Earth,
But 3 Things Dissipate My Anger.
(1)  Those Who Recite The Holy Quran And Listen To it.
(2)  Those Who Serve The Masjid.
(3) The innocent Children Of The Muslims.
The Masjid Seem Radiant To The Dwellers Of The Heavens The Way Stars Seem Radiant To Us.
A Person Who Goes To The Masjid To Offer The 5 Daily Salaat Gets The Reward Of Jihad (striving in the path of Allah) And On Every Coming To The Masjid,A Mansion is Built in Jannah For Them.One Virtue is Given For Every Step Taken Towards The Masjid,One Sin is Effaced And The Status Of That Person is Raised By 1 Degree.
One Should Place The Right Foot First When Entering The Masjid And Should Recite This Dua :
Transliteration:  Allahummaf Tahlee Abwaba Rahmatik.
When Stepping Out Of The Masjid,One Should Put The Left Foot First And Recite:
Transliteration : Allahumma Innee Asaluka Min Fadhlika.
Anecdote : Once Hadhrat Sufyan Thauri (May Allah Shower His mercy upon him) Mistakenly Placed His Left Leg First When Entering The Masjid,A Voice Spoke From A Corner Of The Masjid :
O Bull !  Where Are You Barging in ?  Hadhrat Humbly Repented For His Act immediately And As An Admonitory,He Permanently Added, “Thauri,” Which Means Buffalo, To His Name.Did You Notice How important The Etiquettes Of The Masjid Are And How Allah Reprimands His Friends.Even Now, These Reprimands Are Being Given But Alas That We Are Not Able To Understand Them.Not Only Do We Barge into The Masjid Like Bulls,But End Up Doing Many Useless Things There As Well.
Performing Ablution And Waiting in The Masjid For Congregational Salaat is Like Offering Salaat itself.
Angels Pray For Forgiveness And Divine Mercy For That Person.When A Salaat is Offered With Congregation, it is Rewarded 27 Times Over.When You Offer All The 5 Salaat in The Masjid With Congregation,You Get The Reward Of 13500 Salaat.The Details Of This Are That initially 50 Salaat Were Ordained.With The Counsel Of Hadhrat Moosa (May peace be upon him) And The intercession Of The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), They Were Reduced To 5. 
The Allah Almighty Said : It is An Axiom Of Ours That No Rule is Changed.
You Offer 5 Salaat, The Reward Of 50 Salaat Will Be Given.
This is Also Axiomatic That Every Virtue is Rewarded 10 Times Over. Thus, 10 x 27 x 50 Equals 13500.
What Mercy Of Allah !
Even After This if A Person Does Not Offer Salaat With Congregation, Then How Wretched That Person is.
The Earlier Nations Did Not Enjoy This Consideration.
This is Only For The Sake Of The Holy Prophet Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). 
Bounties Are Being Showered.Alas That No is There To Gather Them.
[Excerpted from Mawaaiz-e-Hasana, Vol. 1 of Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan)

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