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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wonderfull Answer

السلامُ علیکم و رحمۃ اللہ و برکاتہ

A Man Came To Iyas IbnMu'awiyah,

A Muslim judge Famous For His Wisdom, And The Following Conversation Took Place Between Them :

Man : What is The Islamic Ruling
Regarding Wine ?

Judge: It is Haram (Forbidden).

Man : How about water ?

Judge: It is Halal (Permissible).

Man : How About Dates And
Grapes ?

Judge : They Are Halaal.

Man : Why is it That All These
ingredients Are Halal,

And Yet When You Combine Them,

They Become Haram ?

The judge Looked At The Man And
Said : If I Hit You With This
Handful Of Dirt,

Do You Think it Would Hurt You?

Man : It Would Not.

Judge : How About if I Hit You
With This Handful Of Straw ?

Man : It Would Not Hurt Me.

Judge : How About A Handful Of
Water ?

Man : It Surely Would Not Hurt Me.

Judge : How About if I Mix Them,
And Let Them Dry To Become A Brick,

And Then Hit You With it,
Would it Hurt You ?

Man : It Would Hurt Me And
Might Even Kill Me !

Judge : The Same Reasoning
Applies To What You Asked Me !

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Show Off


Jundub (Radi Allah Anhu) Said :
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) Said,

" He Who Lets The People Hear Of His Good Deeds

intentionally, To Win Their Praise,

Allah Will Let The People Know

His Real intention (on the Day of Resurrection),

And He Who Does Good Things in Public

To Show Off And Win The Praise Of The People,

Allah Will Disclose His Real intention

(and humiliate him)."

(Sahih Bukhari ~
Book #76, Hadith #506)

Commentary :

This Hadith shows the consequences of different acts of show-off
and informs us that such acts will be a cause of humiliation and
disgrace on the Day of Judgement.

Jazak Allahu khairan !

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