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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

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Wonderfull Answer

السلامُ علیکم و رحمۃ اللہ و برکاتہ

A Man Came To Iyas IbnMu'awiyah,

A Muslim judge Famous For His Wisdom, And The Following Conversation Took Place Between Them :

Man : What is The Islamic Ruling
Regarding Wine ?

Judge: It is Haram (Forbidden).

Man : How about water ?

Judge: It is Halal (Permissible).

Man : How About Dates And
Grapes ?

Judge : They Are Halaal.

Man : Why is it That All These
ingredients Are Halal,

And Yet When You Combine Them,

They Become Haram ?

The judge Looked At The Man And
Said : If I Hit You With This
Handful Of Dirt,

Do You Think it Would Hurt You?

Man : It Would Not.

Judge : How About if I Hit You
With This Handful Of Straw ?

Man : It Would Not Hurt Me.

Judge : How About A Handful Of
Water ?

Man : It Surely Would Not Hurt Me.

Judge : How About if I Mix Them,
And Let Them Dry To Become A Brick,

And Then Hit You With it,
Would it Hurt You ?

Man : It Would Hurt Me And
Might Even Kill Me !

Judge : The Same Reasoning
Applies To What You Asked Me !


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