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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Surah Al-imran..Al-Noor.. Taha ...Al-Hashr

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Those who spend (of that which Allah hath given them) in ease and in adversity, those who control their wrath and are forgiving toward mankind; Allah loveth the good;

And had it not been for the grace of Allah 
and His mercy unto you, 
and that Allah is Clement, 
Wise, (ye had been undone).     
We said: 
Fear not! Lo! thou art the higher.
Throw that which is in thy right hand !
 It will eat up that which they have made. 
Lo! that which they have made is but a wizard's artifice, 
and a wizard shall not be successful to whatever point 
(of skill) he may attain.      
Those unto whom men said: 
Lo! the people have gathered against you,
 therefor fear them. 
(The threat of danger) 
but increased the faith of them and they cried : 
Allah is Sufficient for us !
 Most Excellent is He in Whom we trust!
He is Allah, than Whom there is no other Allah,
 the Sovereign Lord, 
the Holy One, Peace, 
the Keeper of Faith, the Guardian, 
the Majestic, the Compeller, the Superb. 
Glorified be Allah from all that they ascribe as partner 
(unto Him) 

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