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Signs Of Qiyamah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmath Ullahi Wa Barkatahu



Signs Of Qiyamah



Human Beings Were Brought into Being For The Worship Of Allah Ta'ala.

Whether The Person Does Good Deeds Or Bad, He/She Will Anyhow Receive The Reward Or Punishment Of Deeds.


This World And All its Pleasures Will End And Everybody Has To Stand Before Allah Ta'ala.

With The Very Thought Of The Hereafter (Aakhirah), A Human Beings Stops From Committing Bad Deeds.

The Aggressor Refrains From His Aggression And The Oppressed Feel Relief That This Hardship is Only Of A Few Days.


The  Prophet  Has  informed  Us  Of  Everything


The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) Has Not Left Us Wanting in Knowledge in Any Aspect Of Life And Has Brought Us Out in To The Light Of Knowledge From The Darkness Of ignorance.

He Has Conveyed Every incident That Will Happen Till The Qiyamah And Has Also Conveyed The Signs Of The Day Of Judgment, So That His Ummah Does Not Feel Anxiety About Anything.


Signs  Of  Qiyamah


Hadith From Sahih Muslim :

 The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) Said :


Indeed ! The Qiyamah Will Not Be Established Until You See 10 Signs Before it And He Described Coming Of Smoke,


 Dajjal, Dabbatul Ardh,

Rising Of The Sun From The West,

 Descent Of Prophet Isa (Peace be upon him),Yajuj And Majuj

And The Sinking Of Land At 3 Places –

One Will Be in The East,

One Will Be in The West

And One in Arabia.

The Last Sign Among All Of Them Will Be A Fire Which Will Start From Yemen And Drive People Towards The Mahshar And it is Mentioned in Another Narration,

There Will Be A Fire,

Which Will Start From Aden And Drive People Towards Mahshar.  

(Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 7467)


Dajjal :


Just Before Qiyamah,

These Signs Will Appear.

The Smoke Before Qiyamah Will Be Present For 40 Days.

 A Faithful (Momin) Will Only Feel Like A Cold,

But An Unbeliever Will Be in Great Agony.

The Greatest Trial Before Qiyamah Will Be Of Dajjal.

He Will Claim Godhood.

The Holy Prophet (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasalam) Said :


Dajjal Will Be Blind in One Eye And He Will Be Lame And Your Lord is Above All Defects And Flaws.

Dajjal Will Remain in This World

 For 40 Years And According To Some Hadith 40 Days And Will Spread Unrest And Turmoil in The World.

He Will Also Show Conjuring Tricks.

There Will Be A Garden With Him And A Hell.

In Reality, His Garden Will Be Hell And His Hell Will Be A Means To Enter Jannah.

He will command the earth and the earth Will Grow its Produce And Cast Out its Treasures.

He Will Command The Skies And Rain Will Start Pouring.

A Drought-Hit Place Will Become Green.

Weak Animals Will Become Plump And Strong,

But All This Will Be An illusion.

This Trickery Will Not Affect Those Who Are Firm in Their Belief And Faith.


Dajjal  Will  Not  Enter  Makkah  AndMadina


He Will Roam The Whole World Except Makkah Mukarramah And Madina Munawwarah.

It is Given in Sahih Bukhari That The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) Said :

Dajjal Will Not Be Able To Enter Madinah Munawwarah.

That Day Madina Munawwarah Will Have 7 Doors And On Each Door,

 Angels Will Be Keeping Guard.


When Should We Offer Salaat ?


When the Holy Prophet (Salallahu Alaihi wasallam)Said That Near Qiyamah,

1 Day Will Be Like 1 Year,

The Sahabah Asked :

How Should Salaat Be Offered Then ?

This Question Shows The Purity Of Their Emotions And Sentiments.

In These Dangerous Times Also,

They Did Not Ask About Saving Life And Wealth,

But Ask About Obeying The Rules Of Islam.

The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam) Said : You Estimate The Time Of Salaat And Offer it i.e. Estimate The Time Between One Salaat To The Other And Offer Salaat According To it.


In This Hadith,

The Solution Of When To Offer Salaat if Living in A Place Where There is 6 Months Of Day And 6 Months Of Night is Also Present i.e.

There Salaat Should Be Offered By Estimating The Time Between Each Salaat.


The  Coming  Of  Prophet  Isa,

 Imam  Mahdi  And Killing Of  Dajjal


In The Signs Of Qiyamah,

it is Given That in Ramadhan,

Imam Mahdi Will Come.

He Will Be From The Progeny From Imam Hasan Mujtaba (May Allah be well pleased with him).

His Stay Will Be For 7 Days.

On The Eastern Minaret Of The Jame Masjid Of Damascus,

Prophet Isa (Peace be upon him) Will Descend With His Hands On The Shoulders Of Angels At The Time Of Fajr As An Ummati (follower).

From His Blessed Head,

Droplets Of Water Will Be Dripping Like Pearls.

Imam Mahdi (May Allah be well pleased with him) Will Lead The Fajr Prayer.

After The Salaat Ul Fajr,

All The Doors Of The Masjid Will Be Thrown Open.

At That Time,

Dajjal Will Be Standing There Along With 70,000 Jews.

On Seeing Prophet Isa (Peace be upon him),

He Will Start Dissolving And Will Flee Out Of Fear.

Prophet Isa (Peace be upon him) Will Chase Him And Kill Him At A Place “Lud.”


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